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05 December 2014

PTO/Booster News

Santa Breakfast Saturday
This Sat. Dec. 6, 9:00 am
Santa Breakfast this year is a week earlier, on Saturday Dec 6, 9:00 am to 11:30. In addition to breakfast, we’ve added a photo booth this year that can record cherished family memories. A crafts booth for kiddies will be manned by North Star students. Santa is excited about selfies with kiddies. Cost is $10 for family and $2 for single ticket. 

“Teacher Wishing/Family Giving Tree” in NSCS Lobby
As in years past, a “Giving Tree” is in North Star’s front lobby. Pick up a wish and you and your child can bring the gift to the teacher before Christmas break. 

Booster News
Meeting: Wed. Dec. 10 at 3. See you there HO! HO!

Down to our last E. books:  Booster Club is offering sales of Entertainment Books to High School families. Pick up order forms in office and return them there also. 

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